Now I know a lot of you women out here are wondering if it's possible to actually grow African hair. Not just just grow it, but also make it stronger and thicker, right? Well, after thorough research and also using my own hair as an experiment, the very likelyhood of an African girl's hair growing, is possible!
our hair does grows, but it also breaks at the same speed that it grows too! But I've got some tips that'll help you grow, thicken and stop the breakage of your hair.

1. Shampoo and condition your hair at least once a week- Now i know that is somewhat difficult to do because most of us once we've got our braids or extensions in, we just don't want water touching it till the next time we take it out, right? But even with braids in or weaves in, you can still shampoo your hair, visit your hair salonist and let them know you want to wash your hair. it's that simple! plus in the salon, they'll not only shampoo and condition it, but they'll also add other hair products into your hair that'll help with the hair growth.
2. Moisturize! Moisturize your hair!- Because our hair growth are very curly, any moisture it gets easily gets eaten up and it becomes all dry and brittle so we need to moisturize our hair! 
3. Deep condition your hair at least once a week - Deep conditioning helps to treat your hair. It gives your hair the extra protein that it needs. and also helps to de-tangle those difficult knots, making it easy for you to comb through your hair with ease 
4. always use the lowest heat possible when blow drying or straightening out your hair -HEAT IS NOT YOUR HAIR'S FRIEND!
5. Eat your vitamins- especially vitamin A, B-complex (very very important) and vitamin C. These vitamins help to increase Ana-gen growth.
6. Use a wide tooth comb
7 And always wear your hair in a protective style- that is make sure your ends are covered up, either in a bun or plaits.


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